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International Conference of Young Researchers, X-th edition

November 23, 2012, Chisinau, Moldova

Conference Goal:

maintaining of a favorable environment for promotion of young scientists

Conference Objectives:

- stimulation of scientific potential through young scientists,
- creation of conditions for an open dialogue between young scientists,
- increasing the sensitivity of opinion of scientific communities on the problems of preparation of scientific frames,
- science popularization especially between youth.

Scientific Committee:

- Dr. BADICEAN Dumitru, president;
- Dr. COVALI Victoria;
- Dr. PRODIUS Denis;
- Dr. CIUMAC Daniela;
- Ms. CIORBA Valeriu;
- Ms. CALMAS Elena;
- MANOIL Olesea;
- BEREGOI Elena;
- GROSU Stanislav.

Organizational committee:

- Ms. CIORBA Valeriu, president;
- Dr. BADICEAN Dumitru;
- Dr. COVALI Victoria;
- Ms. CALMIS Elena;
- MANOIL Olesea;
- BEREGOI Elena;
- GROSU Stanislav;
- TUTUIANU Valeriu.

The preview conference editions abstracts:

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