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The 8th Conference on Solid State Chemistry - SSC 2008, July 8-11, Bratislava, Slovakia...

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The 8th Conference on Solid State Chemistry - SSC 2008, July 8-11, Bratislava, Slovakia

The scope of this conference is solid state chemistry in the broadest meaning, including results of various experimental and theoretical methods applied in investigation of solid state substances. The Organizing Committee cordially invites you to participate in the forthcoming Conference on Solid State Chemistry, 8th in the series, and present your latest research findings in the field of modern solid state chemistry.

Abstracts. Authors are invited to submit an abstract (max. 1 page) as an MS Word document. Abstracts should be 1.5 line spaced on A4 paper (210 x 297 mm) size paper with a 3 cm header, 3 cm left and right margins, and a 3 cm footer. Times New Roman font should be used. The title should be typed in all CAPITAL LETTERS in 14-pt boldface. In 14-pt normal, type the author(s) name(s), with their affiliation(s) 12-pt italics on the following line. Underline the name of the presenting author. After skipping a line, type the abstract in 12-pt normal, single line spacing. SI units should be used. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail before 31 March 2008 to the following address: Jana Valuchova E-mail: [email protected]

Pre-registration - October 30, 2007;
Second Circular - January 31, 2008;
Abstract Submission - February 28, 2008;
Notification of Acceptance - March 30, 2008;
Final Registration, Payment - April 15, 2008;

Conference web page -



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